Friday, June 19, 2020

8 Ways to Reduce Stress on Moving Day

Congratulations on your upcoming move! A fresh start, a new adventure, a new job, whatever the reason, moving into a new home is always an exciting time.

But no matter how many times you have moved, it is inevitably a somewhat stressful experience. Moving to a new home requires a lot of decision making, throws you off your usual rhythm, and let’s face it: change is hard. Luckily, there are some tangible ways that you can help reduce the moving day stress and keep yourself healthy during the experience. Take a look at our tips for relieving stress during a move.

1. Don’t expect yourself to be cheerful and happy all the time.

Often it isn’t the actual stress that creates problems, it’s the fact that we don’t allow ourselves to just “be in a mood” sometimes. Don’t beat yourself up for feeling tired, overwhelmed, or a bit crabby; just try not to take out your moving day stress on other people!

2. Give yourself more time than you think you need.

If you have the luxury of knowing well in advance that you’re moving, take advantage and fight the urge to procrastinate. The easiest thing to start early? Declutter your home and clear out the things that you don’t want to take with you. This can be done easily without disturbing your day to day life too much and will decrease your moving stressors significantly.

3. Keep one area of the house tidy and open for your self-care practices.

Things like yoga, drawing, or even just sitting with a book requires a space that feels at least somewhat tranquil. So as you organize and start packing, designate one area that you’ll keep clutter free. That way when you have a little time to decompress, you know right where to go.

%name 8 Ways to Reduce Stress on Moving Day

4. Leave time for goodbyes with friends and family.

This is one thing you absolutely don’t want to run out of time to do, so make sure your moving calendar includes time for the ones you will miss the most. Go for a walk, have a picnic, and don’t forget to take a few photos so you can print them out to hang up in your new home.

5. Get enough sleep and eat your vegetables.

Inadequate sleep and poor nutrition are enormous contributors to feeling cranky. In order to reduce stress for a move, do yourself and your family a favor by ensuring everyone is getting enough sleep. Aim for a reasonable bedtime and do your best to stick to it, instead of staying up half the night sorting and packing.

6. Exercise, at least a little.

Even simply going for a walk can be a total reset for your mind and body after hours spent preparing and packing. Save yourself the agony of tight shoulders and boost your endorphins by getting at least a little exercise during the moving process. So put down your moving checklist and move your body!

7. Accept help.

You really don’t have to do it all yourself! Whether you recruit friends and family or hire professional movers, the number one moving day stress relief is support. Help can come in many forms ranging from carrying boxes to walking your dog while you supervise the packing, so take a deep breath and loosen your grip on the reins. If you’re really feeling overwhelmed, consider hiring a personal organizer o help you get your home and belongings in tip top shape for the move.

8. Stay organized and be methodical.

Three words: label, sort, and track! Moving stress free doesn’t require a miracle, just a high level of organization. Go room by room and be thorough rather than the scattershot method. Use an inventory app to track what goes in each box, or use the old fashioned method of writing on the outside of the cardboard and create an inventory list. Either way, your mind will feel more at ease if you know where things are, which rooms you still need to pack, and how much progress you have made.

When moving day arrives, we hope it will find you taking a deep breath and feeling good about your new adventure Let us help you move stress-free!




The post 8 Ways to Reduce Stress on Moving Day appeared first on Flatrate Moving.

Via Moving

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