Tuesday, August 18, 2020

How to keep the kids entertained when the movers arrive

Moving to a new house can be a challenge even for the calmest adult. For a child, there is so much more than they don’t understand! This can leave your children clingy, hyperactive, extra demanding of your attention, and sometimes acting in ways that they otherwise wouldn’t. Leading up to the move, this is tough but manageable.

But on moving day? It’s best to have a plan to keep your kids entertained when the movers arrive. Hyper kids underfoot could get injured, and neither you nor your movers want that stress. So have a look at our tips below, and take the time to set up the activities that will work best for your kids!

Ask for help.

Older children might be able to entertain themselves for a while during your move. But younger children will need supervision, requiring you to split your focus. The most straightforward option, and probably the most fun for the kids, is to ask your sibling/parents/friends to help. They could come to your home and hang out with your kids for a few hours on moving day, or the kids could take a trip to someone else’s house. The latter option would allow you to completely focus your attention on moving, and would ensure that nobody gets underfoot! Moving with kids is more complex, but it doesn’t have to be a headache.

Get the kids involved in the move.

If sending the kids next door isn’t an option, start by introducing them to the movers! This will help everyone feel more comfortable, and the kids will feel more at ease having strangers in their home. Keep a few last-minute toys out for them to play with, and then task them with packing the last box. If you aren’t having your movers do all the packing, you could consider having your children decorate their boxes with custom artwork while the movers take everything else. Then have them carry a lighter box out to the staging area, or even work together to carry a bigger (but not fragile!) box. Moving with kids can mean including the kids in the process!

Create a moving day safe room.

Before moving day arrives, clear almost everything out of one of the rooms in your home. This creates a safe space for the kids to play, nap, or even watch a movie. Keep some snacks and drinks in a cooler and, if you have a pet, set up their dishes too. Books are a great option if your children are old enough to read. Alternatively, set up a laptop or tablet, grab some microwave popcorn, and a few cushions and you have a kid-sized movie theater! Most importantly, the kids can stay out of the action on moving day. They’ll be happier and safer.

Don’t forget about board games!

With so much technology all around us, how easily we forget these classics! Pull the board games out and keep them available for moving day. You might spend a little time in the days leading up teaching your children how to play them and sharing time together. Offer them a few options, and you won’t have to worry about keeping the kids entertained when the movers arrive. They’ll do it themselves!

How to keep the kids entertained when the movers arrive How to keep the kids entertained when the movers arrive

Take the kids for one final walk around the neighborhood.

If you are a two-parent household, one parent could duck out to take the kids (and dog if you have one) for one last walk around the neighborhood. Give your children an opportunity to tell you about what they have loved, but also encourage them to talk about what they are looking forward to your new home! If you have time, stop in at their favorite shop for a snack or treat to fuel them through the rest of the moving day. Let this be a nice opportunity for you to take a breath and relax, too. Moving with children can be challenging for everyone.

Whether your children are off visiting friends or still present in your home, your team of professional movers will do their absolute best to make sure everyone is safe. Call on FlatRate to get your move done stress-free!

The post How to keep the kids entertained when the movers arrive appeared first on Flatrate Moving.

Via Moving http://www.rssmix.com/

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