Tuesday, September 14, 2021

How to Make the Moving Process Run More Smoothly

Moving. It’s a big project. One that has a reputation for annoyance, stress, and a lot of frustration. The bright side is: it doesn’t have to be a burden.

With a good approach and a few tricks, you can make the moving process run more smoothly. This will help you sail through the relocation and keep your excitement high.

Create a Schedule

The best and easiest way to set yourself up for a smooth move is to create a plan. By writing a schedule – and sticking to it, of course – you’ll ensure things don’t get missed. Saving things until the end creates stress and pressure that can be easily avoided.

%name How to Make the Moving Process Run More Smoothly

Make a checklist and give yourself the satisfaction of crossing things off. Prioritize based on what needs to be done when so you can find yourself in the flow. Include even small things that you’re sure you couldn’t possibly forget. Include scheduling a mover, getting packing materials, packing your things, taking donations to a receiving center, canceling your utilities, forwarding your mail, etc.

Take What You Need

Try to begin packing the small things at least a month in advance so you don’t find yourself haphazardly shoving things into boxes. Before you pack, sort through your belongings. Separate piles of what you’ll keep, take, donate, and trash.

As you’re doing this, collect your things in their rightful places. Have jackets hanging around your home office? Take them back to where they belong. This will help ensure your packing is strategic and sensible. The future you that has to unpack on the other side will thank you.

Separate the Essentials

Moving isn’t only about getting from point a to point b, it’s also about unpacking on the other side. Avoid frantically digging for a towel and your pajamas by packing with unpacking in mind.

An essentials box will help make sure you have a good first night – and morning – in your new place. This box should contain all of the things you need for your first day or two so you can feel relaxed.

Consider things like pajamas, bed linens, a bath towel, a change of clothes, medication, toiletries, and anything else you may want for your first 24-48 hours. Don’t forget the toilet paper, of course! It’s also wise to separate a set or two of dishes, cups, cutlery, and the coffee pot so you can have dinner and breakfast in your new dining room (or the sofa – we won’t judge!)

Be Clear with Your Labels

Another step to smooth unpacking is being clear and deliberate with your labels. After you spend time organizing your things and ensuring you pack strategically, you should do the same with labeling your boxes.

%name How to Make the Moving Process Run More Smoothly

To help yourself out, label with more than simply the room the box will arrive in. Try something like MASTER BEDROOM – CLOSET – HANGING CLOTHES to let you know just what’s in there. That way, not only can you be strategic about unpacking rooms, you can also approach each room in an organized way.

Make sure you label your boxes on multiple sides and the top, so you (and your mover) can see the labels even as boxes shift.

Track Inventory

While you’re packing you may feel certain that you’ll remember just what is where. After all of the hustle and bustle of moving day, though, you will likely find it difficult to remember everything.

There’s no need to turn your inventory into a novella, but keeping a clean and comprehensive list will help. Try adding a number to your labeling strategy. For example, when packing the living room, label each box with a number. Then, add those numbers to your inventory list with a short description of their contents.

Keep it Light

When packing your boxes, keep in mind that you’ll need to move them. This may sound like an obvious reminder but trust us, it happens.

Pack your boxes full, but keep them light enough to move. If your home office includes a library, spread your books out across a few boxes. Add the books to the bottom of the box and lighter things on top. Keeping heavier items on top keeps them safe, and decreases the chance of your boxes tumbling in transit. 

Take Photos for Reassembly

Another classic assumption is that reassembly will be a breeze on the other side. This includes disassembled furniture, and cables plugged in at your entertainment system. Do yourself a favor and take photos before taking things apart so you can reference them later.

%name How to Make the Moving Process Run More Smoothly

Try using tape to label cables as well to ensure they don’t get mixed up along the way. Ultimately, photos and labels are a foolproof way to ensure you can unwind with some Netflix at the end of a long day, and that you can sleep in your bed when the time comes!

Hire a Good Moving Company

For a professional mover, smooth moves are second nature. While the above tips will help you get prepared for moving day, hiring a professional will ensure it’s executed swiftly and your things are moved safely.

A full-service moving company can even take the packing, disassembly, reassembly, and unpacking off of your hands. They’ll even bring the materials you need for packing and take them away on the other side. That takes a lot off your hands!


When you’re ready to plan your move, let FlatRate do the hard work for you. Whether it’s full-service moving or simply shifting you into your new home, we have the expertise to get you there smoothly.

The post How to Make the Moving Process Run More Smoothly appeared first on Flatrate Moving.

Via Moving http://www.rssmix.com/

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